Por que alguns walkie-talkies são tão caros? Jun 08, 2023

Ham radios, also known as amateur radios, have been a popular means of communication among hobbyists, emergency responders, and enthusiasts for decades. These versatile devices provide a unique way to connect with people worldwide, participate in emergency preparedness exercises, and explore the world of wireless communication.

However, one common question when considering the ham radio hobby is, “how much is a ham radio ?” In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various factors that influence the cost of ham radios and provide you with a clear understanding of what to expect.

Types of Ham Radios:

Ham radios come in various types and configurations, each with features and capabilities. The cost of ham radio will largely depend on the type you choose. Some common types include handheld radios (HTs), mobile radios, base stations, and software-defined radios (SDRs). HTs are portable and compact, while mobile radios are designed for vehicle use. Base stations provide more power and typically have more extensive ranges, while SDRs offer advanced digital signal processing capabilities. The cost will vary based on the type and the features it provides.

Power Output and Frequency Range:

Another critical factor that affects the cost of ham radios is their power output and frequency range. Higher power output and broader frequency coverage usually come at a higher price. Radios with lower power output may be suitable for local communication, while those long-range radios with higher power output can reach longer distances. Similarly, radios with broader frequency coverage allow users to access more bands and modes, making them more versatile and expensive.

Features and Accessories:

The features and accessories included with a ham radio can significantly impact its cost. Some radios have built-in GPS, NOAA function,digital signal processing, automatic antenna tuners, and advanced filtering capabilities. Additional accessories such as external microphones, antennas, battery packs, and charging stations may add to the cost. Consider your specific needs and interests to determine which features and accessories are essential for you, as opting for more advanced options will generally increase the price.


Ao considerar o custo dos rádios amadores, avaliar suas necessidades, preferências e orçamento é crucial. O preço dos rádios amadores varia de acordo com fatores como tipo, potência, faixa de frequência, recursos, acessórios, marca e se o equipamento é novo ou usado. Lembre-se, o rádio amador não é apenas um hobby; é uma porta de entrada para um excitante mundo de comunicação e exploração.

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